GreenWorks Rhode Island Lawn Care Specialists

Rhode Island Lawn Care Services FAQ & Massachusetts lawn care services FAQ

Answers to Your Questions About Lawn Care in Rhode island & Massachusetts

At what height should I mow the lawn?
Lawns in Rhode Island and Massachusetts are comprised of mostly Kentucky blue grass, perennial rye and fescue, so your lawn should be mowed at a height of 3”.
Will mowing at 3” benefit my lawn in Rhode Island and Massachusetts?
Mowing at 3" helps the lawn retain moisture and defend against weed infestations. Also, root depth is directly related the grass blade height – the longer the grass the deeper the roots.
How often should I mow my lawn in Rhode Island and Massachusetts?
How often you mow is dependant on the time of year. In the spring and fall you will be mowing more often, summer time less. You should try to mow at least once a week removing only 1/3 of the blade of grass. If you find you are removing more than 1/3, you may need to mow more often.
Do I need to bag my lawn clippings in Rhode Island and Massachusetts?
No, as long as you are removing only 1/3 of the grass blade you do not need to bag. If, out of necessity, you need to remove more than 1/3 you should bag as heave clippings will suffocate the lawn.
How much should I water my New England lawn?
Your lawn should receive 1.5" – 2” of water per week, this includes rainfall. Generally, watering every other day or every third day for 20 – 30 minutes per section/zone should suffice. Remember, deep infrequent waterings are preferable to light frequent waterings.
When is the best time to water my lawn in Rhode Island and Massachusetts?
In the morning, after 6am, is usually the best time to water as the sun will be coming up to dry the grass blades and there is usually less wind at this time. Watering at night is not recommended.
What if my town in Rhode Island and Massachusetts has lawn watering restrictions?
Always follow your local watering restrictions. If during the summer your lawn suffers from drought stress, the GreenWorks program will help it recover.
How do I prevent disease?
Proper mowing and watering are key to preventing disease problems. Regular mowing with a sharp blade and watering after 6am will cut down on problems dramatically. A dull lawn mower blade will shred the grass blade allowing disease spores to enter the plant. A dull blade also causes rapid dehydration of the grass. If you are watering at night the water sits on the grass blades providing the perfect environment for diseases. Pruning back trees to allow more air circulation will help as well. Sometimes due to humidity or other environmental factors, nothing will get rid of disease problems.
How often should we have our yard limed?
Liming your lawn at least once a year is recommended. You can apply lime to your lawn at any time, but Fall is the most beneficial time to take advantage of the normal freeze and thaw cycles that help the lime break down over the winter months.
What is thatch?
Thatch is a layer of dead root systems that forms between the soil and the crowns of the grass plant. While having a thin layer of thatch can be beneficial, a thick layer can cause problems with water absorption, fertilizer intake, insect and disease problems. GreenWorks can help keep your thatch under control through annual core aerations. In extreme cases, your lawn may need to be dethatched.
How do I get rid of compaction?
GreenWorks offers core aeration as a solution soil compaction problems. The core aerator pulls out finger sized plugs from the soil relieving compaction and improving water absorption and air exchanges.
My lawn has damaged areas, how can I fix them?
GreenWorks offers slit seeding to repair damaged or bare areas. For more information on this process, please visit our additional services page on this site.