Early Spring– An application of crabgrass control and balanced fertilizers are applied.
Late Spring– A second application of crabgrass control and balanced fertilizer. We also start treating weeds at this time and checking for disease.
Early Summer – We apply a balances Summer fertilizer to maintain and improve color. Weeds are retreated. We also check for surface insects, disease and grassy weeds, which are also treated as needed.
Merit Grub Control – We apply Merit season long grub control in conjunction with your early summer application.
Late Summer– A balanced fertilizer is applied to maintain good color. Weeds, disease, grassy weeds, and insects are checked for and treated as needed.
Early Fall– A heavy fall fertilizer is applied to stimulate root growth and recovery from summer stress. Any end of season weeds or grassy weeds are treated as needed as well as any remaining disease.
Late Fall– An application of brown pelletized limestone to improve the soil’s pH.